Ecovillage in Israel

Medicine of the future



COMPARATIVE RESEARCH CENTER for scientific and Kabbalistic studies

Kabbaland is also a large scientific and spiritual research and training centre, where a team of doctors, scientists, rabbis and Torah scholars work together to carry out comparative studies of science, medicine and Torah. This will lay the foundations for a medicine of the future which will integrate the many different dimensions of the “human universe”, including those represented by various mystical and spiritual doctrines from different religious traditions. Its ultimate goal is to fulfil the promises of our Prophets: elimination of all diseases and a final victory over death.

Medicine of the future

Kabbaland is a clinic where people can go to recover their physical and spiritual health through practice of various natural and alternative therapies. A kind of “hospital for maladies of the soul”, aiming to awaken the consciousness and develop the human being holistically.

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